[英文] Drugstore 藥妝店

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  • 本文刊載於2010年5月號 2535 雜誌

    不知道男人怎麼看待這件事?提到日本旅遊,大多數女人絕不會錯過上藥妝店大肆掃貨這個行程。日本的藥妝店真叫人嘆為觀止,除了各種各樣的保養彩妝品與令人驚奇的化妝輔助工具外,藥品種類之多,舉凡健胃整腸的藥片、肌肉酸痛的藥布、點了眼珠黑白分明的眼藥水……,光看產品架上的說明,好像這次不買就會錯過這些神效產品似的。重點是,有時價格也很優惠,甚至還有品牌駐點人員在店裡,給試用品也給的很大方。進了一家藥妝店,女人的心情就好像啤酒廣告裡那群女人對於家中能夠有walk-in closet 一樣的興奮吧?(咦?男人這時早就往秋葉原去了!)

    一般稱藥妝店可以用 pharmacy這個字,而在美國常說 drugstore,在英國、紐澳等地則是 chemist 這個字比較常用。美國的法律規定,一個藥妝店在營業時間裡一定要有一個合格的藥師在店執業(on-duty),提供民眾領藥與藥物諮詢的服務,甚至超市如果設有藥妝部,也要有藥師當班才行。此外,儘管叫做 drugstore,賣的也不只是藥品而已,也販售日常保養與生活雜貨,諸如居家衛生清潔用品、身體頭髮保養(body & hair care)、糖果點心(sweets & snacks)、辦公用品(office supplies)、雜誌書籍、問候萬用卡片,甚至有些還提供沖洗照片(photo processing)的服務,儼然就像是一個雜貨店(grocery store)了。


    drugstore / pharmacy / chemist 藥妝店
    pharmacist 藥師
    prescription 處方籤
    get the prescription filled 替處方籤配藥
    dispensary 藥事專櫃、領藥處
    dispense the medicine 給藥
    cosmetics 化妝品
    facial mask 面膜
    lip balm 護唇膏
    face mask 口罩
    cotton pads 化妝棉
    Q-tip / cotton bud 棉花棒
    vitamin 維他命
    nutritional / dietary supplements 營養保健品
    aspirin 阿斯匹靈
    painkiller / pain reliever 止痛藥
    cold medicine 感冒藥
    acne / pimple gel 粉刺 / 痘痘凝膠
    tablet 藥片
    capsule 膠囊
    pill 藥丸
    ointment 藥膏
    eye drop 眼藥水
    patch 藥布、貼片
    cold pack 冷敷包
    diaper / nappies 尿片
    sanitary napkin / pad 衛生棉 / 護墊
    Band-Aid OK繃
    gauze 紗布
    cotton ball 棉球
    iodine 碘酒
    earplug 耳塞
    ear thermometer 耳溫槍
    contact solution 隱形眼鏡藥水


    Eng: Good morning. How may I help you?
    Lish: Yes, could you tell me where I can find mosquito repellents?

    Eng: Yes, ma’am. Please go to the second aisle and you’ll see them on the first shelf.
    Lish: Thank you. And do you have first-aid kits?

    Eng: Sorry, they’re just sold out and won’t be available until Friday.
    Lish: No problem. Thank you anyway.

    Eng: By the way, there’s a Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale on mosquito repellents. Plus we’re having our Mother’s Day promotion, so there’s a 10% discount on purchases over 888 NTD.


    1. A blog with erudition should be the trend today, but, alas, too many blogs are fraught with junks. Your blog is truly educational (phenomenal at the same time), particularly the English section. And having read some of them, I discovered that you have a penchant for etymology. I am a logophile myself, haha. It’s so hard to find someone who is also interested in word history. Maybe we can share some information. that’ll be great!
      Just a little bit about myself: I am a Latin, Greek, and Linguistics student.

      1. Thanks for your compliments. I’m just an amateur in etymology who applies what she knows to her teaching career. 🙂

    2. 另外,分享一下,英國的衛生棉叫 towels,護墊叫 panty liners,這些會用到所以才特別注意……..。
      還有 OK繃叫plaster,pills 一般指避孕藥,morning pills 是事後丸,在藥房不須處方就買得到。
      保險套叫condom,在美國則叫 rubber 。

    3. 提供經驗供參考。
      一般聊天,pharmacy 指的也是藥房,藥妝直接講Boots或Superdrug。
      chemist 這字沒在藥房或藥妝店見過,或許是我忽略了也說不定。

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