[購物] 潮:TOMS 環保公益帆布鞋

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  • TOMS 鞋

    A 看了我的幾雙法國來的 Bensimon 帆布鞋後,告訴我美國也有個很受年輕人及許多明星喜愛的帆布鞋,叫做 TOMS。目前台灣並沒有代理商進口這個牌子的鞋,而且官網販售也沒有海外運送,因此如果在台灣要買TOMS,多半是找美國代購。

    過了一陣子,A 在臉書上又丟了一個訊息,告訴我有個 Invincible 這個網站在賣 TOMS,我一看,發現這個購物網站有實體店面,而且很幸運地(或不幸?XD),台北分店就在我住處附近,所以當晚我趁著要出門,就繞過去看了一下。喔結果也不用猜,當然就是用小朋友去換了一雙回來啦。

    TOMS 在美國販售的花色及材質非常多,但受限於海外販售的關係吧?Invincible 說他們能夠拿到的款式不是非常多,而且多半是基本款,就是素面的帆布材質,頂多有幾雙是季節款,用的是毛呢或燈芯絨布料,店裡現場男女大概各只有不到 10 款,選擇不多。但三不五時會進新款就是了。

    與法國 Bensimon 非常不同,TOMS 的鞋型比較長、比較尖,車工很細,也比較有設計感一點,腳型瘦的人穿可能會比較舒服,但像我這樣腳板寬的,穿了一天也沒什麼不習慣。而且鞋底不是單單只是膠底的,而是可分解EVA環保材質,外頭再圍一圈草編。不過在台灣,可能會有人比較忌諱這樣的草編鞋吧?

    另外,每一雙 TOMS 都附上一個束口鞋袋,以及一枚Logo 貼紙,鞋袋的質感還算不賴。

    另外一個比 Bensimon 要有質感的地方,就是裡頭還有透氣牛皮鞋墊!所以穿起來也比 Bensimon 舒服一點。 仔細看看鞋墊上寫的:With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One. 原來這就是 TOMS 的公司信念:每賣出一雙鞋,公司就會捐出一雙新鞋給需要鞋子穿的孩子。

    台灣進的基本素色款,不外乎藍、紅、深灰、深綠幾個顏色,Invincible賣 1880。如果像我這樣邊邊有條紋的,就是2080元。 Bensimon 在台灣阿爾卑斯花園店裡賣一雙也要 1800左右,嗯,我想 TOMS 如果還會捐一雙鞋給孩子們,這樣的價錢也不會算貴吧? ^^ 總之,兩種帆布鞋是不同型的,可以都試試看。


    美國的TOMS 不僅賣鞋子,還有太陽眼鏡、T-shirt、帽T 、帽子、手帳、護照套等。上面提到的每買一雙鞋就捐一雙鞋的 One for One 政策,事實上也不限於鞋子,連眼鏡都是 One for One 政策:每買一副太陽眼鏡,TOMS 就會提供經費給偏遠地區有需要但沒有錢做視力保健治療的大人或小孩喔!




    1. TOMS’ One for One campaign is actually being criticized as business strategy instead of really environmental friendly or improving public welfare.
      The firm does not consider of sustainability of materials of their products. Although they did have goodwill when started this campaign, however the firm is still making profit (and even increased) trough this campaign.
      I am just one of your blog followers who respect your insights, so your endorsement to TOMS is something important that I would like to share my thoughts.

      1. cci, Thank you for the reply. I am not casting any doubt on your statement, but I would wish for more info to prove what you say. Therefore I googled and found some results, for instance, here. However, I am not against any business model, including TOMs. After all, they ARE an enterprise and need to make money.

    2. OMG! Almost $70US a pair!!! At Nordstrom Rack I can get a pair for about $20US but never did because there’s no arch support at all. TOM flats are kind of popular among young people in the summer time. In the winter now it’s Minnetonka Moccasins that are the rage.

      1. Yes, I have two pairs of Minnetonka shoes, and both cost me almost double the price in the U.S. 🙁

      2. Considering how high the ticket price to fly to US to shop, it’s not that expensive to pay more. 🙂

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