[Travel] Departing from Zurich: Rhine Falls

The Rhine Falls is Europe’s largest waterfall, though on a global scale, it ranks only as medium-sized. Having experienced the magnificent Niagara Falls in America last summer (2024), where I got thoroughly soaked, this visit would be more of a relaxed, minor experience. A few months before departure, I spotted a half-day tour from Zurich on Klook that didn’t take much time and wasn’t expensive. Since it was also a landmark I hadn’t visited before, I booked it without hesitation.


[記旅] 瑞士少女峰地區:Lungern 龍疆

會想要去 Lungern 龍疆,並非是因為「愛的迫降」中男女主角在這裡野餐過,而其實是多年前在火車上驚鴻一撇的觸發。記得當時我從少女峰地區離開,要往下一站 Luzern 琉森前進,火車駛出一個山口,眼前赫然出現一個湖畔珍珠般的小鎮,我趕緊用 Google Maps 定了位,才知道這個美麗小鎮。事隔將近 10 年,2025 年這次冬季的旅行,我特地挪了一天在這裡停留,其實也想著是否還是住在 Grindelwald ,然後來回搭火車做一天的 day trip 就好。但想著想著,我龍疆預訂的旅館已經無法取消了,所以也就既來之則安之地在這裡住了一晚。
