[記旅] 從蘇黎世出發:萊茵瀑布(Rhine Falls)
要欣賞萊茵瀑布,可以有兩種角度:一是從南岸勞芬城堡(Schloss Laufen)這一端,另一則是從北岸觀景台。北岸觀景台是免費的,也有遊船的渡口及景觀餐廳。我們這一團是走南岸勞芬城堡這裡。
繼續閱讀走出舒適圈,探索自己的能與不能 | depuis 2004
要欣賞萊茵瀑布,可以有兩種角度:一是從南岸勞芬城堡(Schloss Laufen)這一端,另一則是從北岸觀景台。北岸觀景台是免費的,也有遊船的渡口及景觀餐廳。我們這一團是走南岸勞芬城堡這裡。
繼續閱讀The Rhine Falls is Europe’s largest waterfall, though on a global scale, it ranks only as medium-sized. Having experienced the magnificent Niagara Falls in America last summer (2024), where I got thoroughly soaked, this visit would be more of a relaxed, minor experience. A few months before departure, I spotted a half-day tour from Zurich on Klook that didn’t take much time and wasn’t expensive. Since it was also a landmark I hadn’t visited before, I booked it without hesitation.
繼續閱讀這次在一月底到 Eguisheim 完全是個美麗的錯誤,不過也住到了一
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