[好文] 挫敗一次,開心一次 Every Failure Makes Me Happier

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  • 這一兩週,因為辦理父親的後事,必須搭高鐵往返兩地。同時,也因為常常給父親唸經的緣故,思索了許多人生中經常面臨的問題,以及適當的處理解決方式。

    前兩天,我在臉書及 Google+ 上分享了一篇名為 <快樂的 15 個習慣>,其中一個習慣便是「反省自己、要求自己(責任總是在我)」,與這篇的內容相互呼應。當時有網友質疑這種把過錯往自己身上推的「習慣」很奇怪:這樣的習慣,聽起來很弔詭,怎麼可能事事怪罪自己會帶來快樂呢?然而,我自己非常認同這種「反求諸己」的個性,也覺得這麼多年以來,時時提醒「反求諸己」讓我受益匪淺。因為既然會失敗,那一定是自己哪裡做的不夠好,如果能夠藉由一個挫敗認清自己不足的事實,然後改進,讓自己更好,這樣哪有理由不開心呢?

    今天回台北時,趁等車的空檔,讀了一些文章,其中這一篇 Every Failure Makes Me Happier <挫敗一次,開心一次> 深得我心,覺得他把這種聽起來弔詭但卻真實的心理影響解釋的很清楚,這裡讓我把全文翻譯出來(如有翻譯錯誤也懇請指正),如果對什麼有緣人有幫助,也算是功德一件。我想把這個功德,迴嚮給我的在西方極樂的父親。




    挫敗一次,開心一次          作者:Karol K














    * 認清楚遭遇挫敗一開始的心裡感覺
    * 承認事情的確發生了
    * 扛下責任









    原文連結:Every Failure Makes Me Happier | PickTheBrain   by Karol K

    Here’s something you don’t hear every day, right?  Which is why you’re probably wondering if I’m for real, or just saying this to get your attention. Actually, it’s a little of both.

    You know just as well as I do that failure is nothing to be happy about, especially the minute it happens. Even when it’s something seemingly unimportant like your ice cream falling to the ground, it still doesn’t make you happy.  And what about the biggies like losing your job or ending a long-term relationship.

    So the first phase of every failure experience is sadness, grief or some other similarly negative emotion.  And this is just how our brain works. We can’t stop these initial feelings associated with failure. They will take place no matter what we do or how well prepared we are.

    And this is actually where my strategy to being happy with failure has its first step. And please bear with me on this, I didn’t say that this post would provide a magic-pill solution.

    This initial moment of emotion is where you have to acknowledge what happened. And you need to do this regardless of the area of your life in which the failure occurred. It doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship, a failed business, sports, or anything else. You have to start by acknowledging what happened.

    Now get ready because I have a piece of advice that you certainly don’t hear every day…

    After acknowledging the failure, you need to understand that it IS your fault. Yes, it’s not your boss’s or your spouse’s, or anyone else’s. You are the only one to blame.  (Personally I don’t buy into the excuses of “it’s not your fault” or “you couldn’t do anything about it.”  This attitude will get you nowhere.)

    Taking the blame is a good idea because it gives you control.  Control of the situation. Control is probably one of your biggest assets. It’s your ability to make things happen (to change things) by your actions.  If you don’t believe me simply look at it from the opposite point of view. If you are not to blame, and you had no control over what happened, then it can surely happen to you again because you can’t do anything about it. Does this approach sound remotely attractive to you?

    So, since now you know that you’re in control, here’s the next step.

    Realize that you’re probably going to go through a myriad of emotions similar to those that occur when you experience a breakup.  Essentially, the feelings we experience after a breakup are very similar to what happens with any kind of failure.  To some degree we can find ourselves in: shock, denial, isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.

    From my experience, the fact that I took the blame, then regained control, enabled me to get through all of the phases much quicker.

    The topic of failure in general is a very big niche for many motivational speakers and authors. People make their whole careers out of teaching others how to deal with failure. There are various techniques, tricks, and approaches.

    In the end, mine is this and it’s pretty simple:

    • recognize the initial feelings
    • acknowledge what happened
    • take the blame

    And now the last and the most important step:

    Embrace failure and treat it as an investment.

    If you’ve failed despite being in complete control over the situation then now you simply have another lesson on how not to handle your matters.  Chalk it up to experience and use it as a reference in similar situations.

    Everyone knows that failure is just another step to success, and if you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived.

    You are in control, you should use this experience to help you win in the future, you should be happy that this failure has brought you one step closer to success.


    1. 從逛咖啡的分享,逛到你的文章,謝謝你的翻譯與分享!!感恩!借我分享在FB上!!謝謝!

    2. 與聖嚴法師所說-「面對它,接受它,處理它,放下它。」意念相仿。

    3. Re to 凡果拉:

      i do it often, admitting the part that was MY responsibility, in any given event. It’s liking saying sorry and meaning it. Doing so, one will NEVER use it as an excuse to settle for being a loser (like saying sorry without an once of repentance).

    4. 我希望面對失敗我有足夠勇氣繼續走下去

    5. 只希望這招不會變成男女痞子的擺爛必殺技,承認完全是自己的錯,從此墮落下去,示弱裝孬,罪過是攬上了,其實卻是以退為進,想推卸責任。

    6. 這篇文章,也只有對願意瞭解並思考的人才有一些反省與體認。






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